Section: User Commands (1)
Updated: 7 May 1989
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fig2dev - translates Fig code to various graphics languages



fig2dev -L language [ -m mag ] [ -f font ] [ -s fsize ] [ other options ] [ fig-file [ out-file ] ]



Fig2dev translates fig code in the named fig-file into the specified graphics language and puts them in out-file. The default fig-file and out-file are standard input and standard output, respectively

Fig (Facility for Interactive Generation of figures) is a screen-oriented tool which allows the user to draw and manipulate objects interactively. Various versions of Fig run under the Suntools/Sunview window environment and under version 11 of the X Windows System. Fig2dev is compatible with Fig versions 1.3, 1.4-TFX, and 2.0.



Set the output graphics language. Valid languages are box, epic, eepic, eepicemu, latex, null, pic, pictex, and ps.
Set the magnification at which the figure is rendered to mag. The default is 1.0.
Set the default font used for text objects to font. The default is Roman; the format of this option depends on the graphics language in use. In TeX-based languages, the font is the base of the name given in lfonts.tex, for instance In PostScript, it is any font name known to the printer or interpreter.
Set the default font size (in points) for text objects to fsize. The default is 11*mag, and thus is scaled by the -m option. If there is no scaling, the default font is eleven point Roman."
other options
The other options are specific to the choice of graphics language, as described below.



EPIC is an enhancement to LaTeX picture drawing environment. It was developed by Sunil Podar of Department of Computer Science in S.U.N.Y at Stony Brook.

EEPIC is an extension to EPIC and LaTeX picture drawing environment which uses tpic specials as a graphics mechanism. It was written by Conrad Kwok of Division of Computer Science at University of California, Davis.

EEPIC-EMU is an EEPIC emulation package which does not use tpic specials.

Set the scale to which the figure is rendered. This option automatically sets the magnification and size to scale / 12 and scale respectively.
Use "\thicklines" when width of the line is wider than lwidth. The default is 2.
Include comments in the output file.
Generate a complete LaTeX file. In other words, the ouput file can be formatted without requiring any changes. The additional text inserted in the beginning and at the end of the file is controlled by the configuration parameter "Preamble" and "Postamble".
Enable variable line width
Disable variable line width. Only "\thicklines" and/or "\thinlines" commands will be generated in the output file.

When variable line width option is enabled, "\thinlines" command is still used when line width is less than LineThick. One potential problem is that the width of "\thinlines" is 0.4pt but the resolution of Fig is 1/80 inch (approx. 1pt). If LineThick is set to 2, normal lines will be drawn in 0.4pt wide lines but the next line width is already 2pt. One possible solution is to set LineThick to 1 and set the width of the those lines you want to be drawn in "\thinlines" to 0.

Due to this problem, Varible line width VarWidth is defaulted to be false.



Sets the threshold between LaTeX thin and thick lines to lwidth pixels. LaTeX supports only two different line width: \thinlines and \thicklines. Lines of width greater than lwidth pixels are drawn as \thicklines. Also affects the size of dots in dotted line style. The default is 0.
Set a seperate magnification for the length of line dashes to dmag.
Verbose mode.

LaTeX cannot accurately represent all the graphics objects which can be described by Fig. For example, the possible slopes which lines may have are limited. Some objects, such as spline curves, cannot be drawn at all. Fig2latex chooses the closest possible line slope, and prints error messages when objects cannot be drawn accurately



-p Set the symbol used by PiCTeX for plotting lines and curves to psymbol. The default is "\sevrm ."
Set the width of any rules used to draw lines and boxes within the picture to lwidth. The default is "0.7pt".

In order to include PiCTeX pictures into a document, it is necessary to load the PiCTeX macros.

PiCTeX uses TeX integer register arithmetic to generate curves, and so it is very slow. PiCTeX draws curves by \put-ing the psymbol repeatedly, and so requires a large amount of TeX's internal memory, and generates large DVI files. The size of TeX's memory limits the number of plot symbols in a picture. As a result, it is best to use PiCTeX to generate small pictures.



option centers the figure on the page. The centering may not be accurate if there are texts in the fig_file that extends too far to the right of other objects.
indicates that the figure describes a full page which will not necessarily be inserted into a document, but can be sent directly to a PS printer. This ensures that a showpage command is inserted at the end of the figure, and inhibits translation of the figure coordinate system.
Rotate figure to landscape mode.



[x]fig(1), pic(1) pic2fig(1), transfig(1)  


Micah Beck (
Cornell University
May 7 1989

and Frank Schmuck (then of Cornell University)
and Conrad Kwok (then of the U.C. Davis).

Modified from f2p (fig to PIC), by the author of Fig
Supoj Sutanthavibul (
University of Texas at Austin.




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